History of Faith Bible Church

In October of 1947, a small group of believers wanting to find a fundamental Bible teaching church local to San Bernardino, formed Faith Bible Center which later became Faith Bible Church. The church started in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Garrison, then moved to the Municipal Auditorium, later to a renovated apartment on 6th and G, and finally found its home on an empty lot at 29th and G. In 1950, with a tremendous amount of faith, they began a building project that would include a two story Christian Education building, a 500 seat Worship Center and a Fellowship Hall. The first floor of the Christian Education building was built in 1950, were they worshipped until 1957 when the main Sanctuary was fully completed. The second floor of the Education building was completed in 1961 and became the home of San Bernardino Christian School that ministered faithfully to our community until its closing in 2009. The Fellowship Hall was the last of the projects to be completed in 1982 and is where we currently worship.

At its beginning, the church chose not to be affiliated with a denomination, but to be a non-denominational Bible church with local autonomy. Because of this, they became a part of the Independent Fundamental Churches of America (IFCA). The IFCA is an organization that has resources to help non-denominational Bible churches and also provides fellowship and accountability that is dearly needed. Many, if not most, Bible Churches are apart of the IFCA. Part of the resources of the IFCA, at the time, included Prophecy Conferences held throughout Southern California. These conferences had Nationally known speakers like Jay Vernon McGee, Dwight Pentecost, Lehman Strauss, and S. Lewis Johnson. Faith Bible Church had the privilege of hosting these conferences many times throughout the 50’s and into the 70’s.

In the late 80’s San Bernardino faced an economic down turn that was further aggravated by the closing of the cities largest employer, Norton Air Force Base. These down turns dramatically affected San Bernardino which was once nationally known as "America’s City." This, as well as the moving of Campus Crusade for Christ to Florida, had a big impact on local churches. Faith Bible Church was not immune and saw a decline for many years.

There are many chapters in the history of Faith Bible Church. However, this chapter is yet to be written and is up to us to chart the course. We do not want to get side tracked with non-essentials, like numerical growth, but have our focus on Spiritual growth instead. We believe Spiritual growth is found in learning to find our treasure in Christ and not in the world. As we humbly replace former treasures (i.e. sin) with the truth of Christ found in the Word, then we are being transformed into His image. Rom. 12:2, 1 Cor. 3:18. We want that to be true of us.

Come be a part of the next chapter of Faith Bible Church.